Because we all bleed in the same colour, we all breath the same air, we all are the child of someone, we all have names, we all are born and we all will die, we’re all human beings; when will we notice that we are ALL human beings, we’re holders of life, the life that runs in my veins is the same that runs in yours, that when I hurt the life that run in yours, I am hurting myself too.
Before being a man or a woman or whatever, before being white, black or whatever, before being christian, jew, bouddhiste, muslim or whatever, before being straight or gay or whatever, before being that or this or whatever, before being a LABEL that we chose for ourselves or that have been chosen for us, before every whatever, we’re human beings, we’re holders of life, how can we unnotice that?!
My heart bleeds today, it bleeds equally for the victims and for the shooter (get over urselves pls) because I’m Québec and France and Syria and Lebanon and Germany and Iran and Israel and Costa rica and Soudan and fucking Lalaland, all in One. How can we unnotice that?!
Because we all bleed in the same colour